Tuesday, 14 October 2014


The genre that I have chosen to use for my music magazine is indie rock/alternative. Included in this genre are things such as psychedelic rock, experimental rock, or hippie rock. I have chosen this genre of music as:

  • It is the main genre of music that I listen to. This will help me create my magazine as I already have a preexisting knowledge about this particular genre. 
  • This genre is quite well known, especially in teenagers/young adults. My target audience for my magazine is teenagers/young adults, so this will allow for more people to read my magazine.
  • There are some aspects to this genre that many people might not particularly know about, so my magazine will be a good way for the readers to expand their knowledge on the genre and hopefully become more interested about it. 
  • Additionally, there are many existing artists and products in the genre. This will make it easy for me to talk about artists and advertise products that the target audience will be interested in. 

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