Tuesday 14 October 2014


The college magazine cover that I produced uses the main conventions normally included magazines. These include things such as the masthead, a plug, barcode and price, feature stories, and a main feature image of students working. My magazine has all of these things which gives verisimilitude to it, making it look professional. I have used a consistent theme throughout my magazine, including the text, and the colour scheme. I have used the same colours throughout my feature stories to make sure they all look consistent. On the main words of the feature stories I have made them a bigger font size so that they will stand out, and draw the readers attention to them. I have also used colour to highlight the key words as they are a brighter colour than the others text. To make the main front colour, I have learned how to use Photoshop efficiently. I have learned how to add text to an image, and crop and shrink certain images within the main image. I have also learned how to change the colour of parts of images through Photoshop as well. The main cover image I have used shows two girls working hard on college desks. This photo will appeal well to other students who attend the college, as it shows that they are doing work, and are enjoying what they are doing at their college. This means that the audience for my magazine will be other college students of a similar age to those on the cover/students who attend Wyke College. Overall, I think this cover for a college magazine is suitable for its purpose as it allows the reader to know straight away that this is a magazine for students, and inside it will be interesting articles which will help them with their college career.

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