Wednesday 12 November 2014

Name Ideas

Name Ideas

For the name of my magazine, I will need a short and snappy word that will be easy for people to remember. This will allow for my magazine to be recognised easily. Since my magazine is a music magazine, I should choose a name that would be music related. I am going to choose a sound word, or an onomatopoeia as this will show the reader that this is a music magazine.

Pulse is my first choice for the name of a music magazine. This is because it is a short word that would easily catch the readers attention, and would allow them to remember the name of my magazine easier. The word pulse has a definition which means "a single vibration or a short burst of sound". This would be good to use as it has connotations to music. 

Beat is another good choice for a name. Beat has two connotations to music. One definition of beat can be see above, highlighted in red, as meaning to sound as on a drum. This is good because within the indie genre there is a lot of drum use in the music. The other definition of beat within music is the basic unit of time. This keeps all the music in the correct time, and is used within music theory. This would be a good word to use because of the connotations that it has. 

Stroke can mean hitting against something which makes a noise. This could tie into music as you could link it to the sound created when you hit drum sticks against the drum. Stroke could also mean the stroke of playing the guitar strings. Lastly, stroke has links to music artists such as The Strokes. This could be a good name, but because of the close name to The Strokes and that it has other meaning such as petting someone or something, I don't think I will be using this name. 

Crash would be a good name as well. Within a drum kit, there is a crash symbol. This is mostly likely used a lot within the indie rock genre. Crash can also mean 'to make a loud clattering noise' which is something that can be made when you are playing instruments. This would be a good word because it is short and snappy, and would catch the readers attention if the logo was made to look shattered, such as Kerrang's logo. 

Clash is a very similar word to crash, and has a similar meaning as well. Clash means 'to make a loud, harsh noise'. This can be seen within music, as sometimes when they bang together the drums, and they let the guitar chord ring out, it can be a loud harsh noise. However, I would want the name of my magazine to have good connotations, and the meaning of being a harsh noise might not be well for my magazine. 

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