Wednesday 12 November 2014


Demographics are measurable characteristics of media consumers such as age, gender, race, education and income level. They are characteristics and statistical information that distinguish a group of people. These characteristics commonly include age, gender, ethnicity, occupation, interests, and other quantifiable criteria. A business’ target demographic captures the group of people at which their products or services are aimed. By looking at these characteristics of an audience, it helps us understand how to target a product and helps to differentiate how to appeal directly to an audience.

My magazine is aimed at the C2 to E groups. This means that my magazine is aimed at the lower social classes including skilled manual workers to unemployed people and students. I have chosen this social class because the genre of my magazine is more well known within this social class. The indie genre is more well known amongst teenagers and young adults, which are mostly students. Because of this, the money that they will have to spend on a magazine will be lowered as they have other things to pay for such as accommodation, food, and tuition. This helps me decide the price as I know it has to be low enough that they would feel it would be suitable for them to purchase, and still allowing me to get income. The price that would be ideal for this social class would be £2.50.

As the social class that my magazine is aimed at is mostly students and manual workers, I will have to include things which are relevant to them and their needs. This class range will probably look for an even mixture of articles and pictures. They will probably want larger words to stand out to catch their interest. This would mean for my articles I could pick words to make larger and bolder to stand out, and I could also use taboo language that is relevant to my age group. I would also include competitions where they could win tickets to meet a certain concert after their concert. This would be good to have as this social class might not have the money to buy those tickets themselves.
For this class group, I could include things such as free iTunes downloads or vouchers, which would be helpful to this class as they might not have enough money to buy them outright. Other free gifts or prizes that they might be interested in would be a downloadable exclusive interview with a band, or some free sweets.

The social class group table will help me with my feature stories and my target audience. Since the social class group that I am aiming my magazine at has an age range from around teenager to young adult, I should include things that would be interesting to them. This I can find out from asking questions in my focus group which will let me know what people in my target audience enjoy. This might be certain artists, clothing brands, or products which I could include articles or reviews about.

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