Monday 10 November 2014

Audience Research Questions

Why is audience research important and how will it help you when creating your magazine?

1: Audience research will help me when creating my magazine because I will then be able to know what type of music that they listen to and what products that they enjoy. This will help me with creating my magazine because then I will be able to write articles about those artists and put in advertisements they want to see in which will help boost sales as more people will relate to the magazine. 

2: Audience research will also help me know what price I should have my magazine at. I will need to know what price it should be because that will help me increase sales depending on the focus group that my magazine is aimed at. If the price range is relevant to my focus group, I will have more sales on my magazine. An example of this would be asking a university/college student how much money they would want to pay on a magazine.

Questions to ask: 

1: How often do you buy a music magazine? (eg weekly, monthly, yearly, never)
2: If so, what music magazines do you buy, and why do you buy them?
3: What would be the ideal price range for a music magazine and why?
4: What genre of music do you listen to the most and why?
5: How often do you listen to the indie genre?
6: What 3 artists would you associate the genre 'indie' with? 
7: Are you more likely to purchase a magazine if it had a free offer included, such as free sweets or free album download?

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