Wednesday 12 November 2014

Audience Research Focus Group and Review

I have carried out a focus group asking questions about audience, and other questions about genre of music and so on. This has helped me learn what type of artists that I should include within my magazine, as they are the ones that most of my audience group listen to. I have also asked other various questions which will help me tailor my magazine to the audience. This will allow me to improve the sales of my magazine.

1: How often do you buy music magazines? 
The response I received from the focus group said that they buy music magazines monthly, or every so often. This leads me to know that I should put out my magazine monthly, as I would have a larger chance of someone buying my product.
2: If so, what magazines do you buy, and why?
Most of the people in the focus group said that they buy Q magazine or NME, and that they bought this because of the artists included within them. The artists included within those magazines tailors to their taste in music, therefore they purchased it because it included artists that they knew and wanted to read/learn about.
3: What would be the ideal price range for a music magazine and why?
My focus group told me that the price range that would be perfect for them would be from around £2 to £3. They said that they were most likely not going to buy a magazine that was over this price as they would not have enough money to splurge on a magazine which is over £3. They also told me that if the magazine was a special one, such as Q or something that had a special item inside, that they would consider buying it for more than £3.
4: What genre of music do you listen to the most and why?
From my focus group, I gathered that R&B and indie rock were the two most listened to genres. This shows me that I should maybe include artists from other genres besides the indie genre that I am basing my magazine around. I could include a little box on my contents page saying something like "In Other Genres..". This would allow readers to know about other artists which they might enjoy but aren't directly included into the genre of my music magazine.
5: How often do you listen to the indie genre?
The indie genre was listened to quite a lot within my focus group. This lets me know that the indie genre is well known of, and listened to. This will help me with the sale of my magazine, because it means that the artists included in my magazine will be known of, which will intrigue readers.
6: What 3 artists would you associate the genre 'indie' with?
The focus group gave me insight to what they thought what artists were included in the indie genre. They said artists such as The Courteneers, The 1975 and The Kooks. These could possibly be artists that I could include within my magazine.
7: Are you more likely to purchase a magazine if it had a free offer included, such as free sweets or a free album download?
My focus group all gave me a clear answer: YES. They said that they are more likely to buy a magazine which includes something free as it gives them an incentive to buy the magazine more if they are receiving something such as sweets or an album download code.

Overall, I have learned some really good information that will help me in making my final product. I have decided to keep the genre of my music magazine as indie because I have found from my focus group that my target audience knows quite a lot about the indie genre. This is evident as they were able to name some artists from the genre such as The 1975 and The Kooks. I also found out that the ideal price range for my magazine would be around £2.50. This is because the people in my focus group were all students, and they had the ability to purchase magazines only when they have extra money available. Most of the people in my focus group told me that they liked to read Q magazine, which has more articles than pictures of bands. This shows me that my target audience, since they are older teenagers to young adults, they like reading about the artists a little bit more than just seeing the photos of them. One main point that I have learned from my focus group is that they would really like to have a free offer included within the magazine. This could be anything from sweets to an album download. This lets me know that I should really include a plug, and have a free offer, as this would improve the sales for my magazine within the target audience that it is aimed at. 

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