Monday 19 January 2015

Second Contents page draft

Since doing the first draft of my contents page, I have changed some things to make the page look more realistic or to just make the whole aesthetic of the page look better.

To start, I changed the pull quote that is from the main feature article. I did this because the previous quote didn't quite match with the feature article, so I changed this to make them all match and to make it more realistic. I also made the box more yellow to make it stand out more against the photo. 
I changed the colour of the box above the main feature image from yellow to red. This is because it went along with the colours on the front cover better, and allowed for the text to stand out more. I have also changed the font and colour of the Contents title so it can add more yellow into the page, instead of it all being grey and red. 
For the headers for the contents page, I made the text for the words 'News', 'Reviews' and 'Exclusives' a bit larger and a darker red so they were more readable and stood out more. 
In the left bottom hand corner of the page, I have added in social media addresses into the page. This is so people who wanted to get in touch with my magazine through the internet would know how to do so through the magazine itself. 

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