Friday 9 January 2015

Front Cover final draft

I have made many changes to my front cover throughout the whole making process. I have had three different front covers as I was making them and changing them.

First draft:

Second draft: 

Third draft: 

With my third draft, I changed the main image. I did this because the image I chose before didn't show much of his torso, and because it was such a close up shot, I couldn't fit so many feature stories onto the cover because the image took up too much space. So in the third draft, I changed the image. I changed the masthead from the first draft to the one that I used in the second and third draft because I felt like this font and colour stood out more to the reader and they would be able to tell what magazine it was. In the third draft, I added in a plug, and I also added in the issue number and date. I also added in a 'boom' image to make the '2015 Year of rock' feature story stand out more. I also moved around the main feature story quote and artist name to the middle of the page and but box/outline around it. This helps the reader know that that is the main feature story, and since it is in the middle of the page, it helps them look straight at the story. 
With the plug, I made it bright yellow. I did this because the people who might potentially buy my product might pick it up because their eye catches the yellow plug. This might entice them to buy my product as they will notice it, and then read it, wanting to win the 2 tickets, making them purchase and read my product. 

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