Friday 9 January 2015

Changes to front cover

After making my first draft of my front cover, I decided that I thought I could make a more efficient and better front cover than I had made. So I changed the fonts and added more colour to the front cover (yellow and red) that my previous front cover didn't have.


After: (still working on it) 

I have changed the masthead font from Breamcatcher to Birch STD and changed the colour from black to a yellow. I did this to ensure that there would be more attention drawn to the masthead, allowing readers to know what magazine it is. I have also made the font larger, and placed it behind the main image to make the main cover image stand out more.
I have changed the colour scheme from black, grey and white to black/grey, yellow and a light red. I have done this to allow more colour to make it look like a proper magazine with colour to make it stand out amongst others. 
I have also made the other text on the front cover more easily readable by changing it and making it larger. I have also made some of the feature stories in yellow font as this allows them to stand out more. 
I have changed the cover image of my magazine. The previous picture I was using was a bit too much of a close up, and I have changed the image to allow more of his torso to be seen.

I wanted to place my masthead behind the head of the person in the main cover image. To do this, I needed to remove the background from the image, so that I can place the masthead behind him. To do this I needed to use the Magic Wand tool to get rid of the background. I then clicked on the background of the image, and deleted it. This allowed the background layer to be seen through, which I can change the colour of this using the Paint Bucket tool.

After I added the masthead and all of the feature stories and other features of a magazine, my newest front cover looks like this. I have added text for the feature stories, and I have used the Shapes button (custom shape tool) to make the little pin at the bottom and the explosion shape where 2015 is. I think the 2015 in the explosion shape really makes it stand out so the readers will look at it. I might go back and change the size of the main feature story to make it stand out a bit more, I might put it in the middle of the page rather than on the bottom. 


This is my final front cover. I have only changed a few bits on the final cover from the previous draft, but I think the changes I have made really make the magazine look realistic, and make some features of the magazine stand out more. I have also added in a plug in the final front cover, as I was missing it in the previous draft. 

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