Conventions of a double page spread:
- Main image of the band/artist
- Main article in columns
- Pull quotes
- Other pictures of the band/artist
- Main title of the article
- Page numbers in the bottom corners
- Name of the author of the article and the photographer of the image
- Stand first
- Drop cap
To start my double page spread, I had to change the size of the canvas to an A3size. This will allow me to be able to have two sides to the pages, as there are two pages instead of one.
Next I have inserted the image that I am wanting to use, and I have gotten rid of the background, the same way that I did in my front cover image.
To make the image fully blend into the background, I blurred the outside of the image to make it look as if he was actually in the background. This makes it look less stand out-ish from the background and makes the whole image in the double page spread look better.
I felt like the background of the double page spread looking sort of boring, so I added in a checker-board image to the background. I set the opacity to 16% to make it appear not too strong to take away from the main image and the article. This allows the background to have a more stylish look to it rather than just a plain background.
To add in the text for the article, I saved the Photoshop file as a image and then put it onto a Publisher in a file. This lets me type in my article and put it into columns. This will also help me when I am adding in the pull quote as the article will form around the quote, which makes it look even and appealing.