Tuesday 17 March 2015

Evaluation question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the course, I learned how to use different technologies to present my work. This includes media formats such as Prezi, SlideShare, videos and GIFS, I feel very confident now in using these means to present my work, and I especially enjoy using SlideShare as it allows you to present a simple Powerpoint in a very sophisticated way. I have also learned how to embed these said media formats to present them in my blog. Learning this has allowed me to be able to present my work in a way that is different than just typing it up in a blog post.
Throughout the course, I also learned how to use Blogger, the means of showing my planning, making, and evaluation of my media product. At the beginning I didn't know to do things like embed videos, media formats or even include an image. Through using this and getting advice from my teachers and class mates, I have learned how to do this and can now use Blogger very efficiently.

The presentation shows what I have learned whilst using Photoshop. During the making of my whole media product, I used Photoshop to make the products. It shows how I now know how to go about making certain products and that I am very confident with making them now. This is a massive improvement on how I felt using Photoshop before at the beginning of the course.

I have also learned how to safely share my products and my files. I have done this by using an external hard drive and a USB. This helped me to make sure that my files were saved in multiple places to ensure that I would never lose the files and be stuck with having to do it all over again. This will also help me in ensuring that my final products are available to me at any time. 

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