Throughout my media product, I used the same fonts and the same three colours (yellow, red and grey) within my colour scheme to create a sense of continuity. Using the same fonts and colours throughout makes my product look more professional, and will attract more people to purchase it as it looks well made and thought out. As a consistent colour scheme is a convention, my product challenges this. This is because I have chosen to use yellow as one of my main colours. This colour comes through lightly, yet I used this colour as the only colour for my masthead. This yellow colour stands out to the audience as it is bright, and it also has connotations to the bright and happy culture surrounding the indie genre. However, it can be argued that this isn't challenging conventions as I have taken the yellow colour idea from an NME cover, which I have highlighted in my Prezi. Looking at Google for NME covers, I have noticed that quite a lot of people have used the colour yellow in their masthead, so yet challenging conventions, I am still following the consistent colour scheme which is a convention used in other magazines.
I have used quite dark colours within my magazine colour scheme, such as dark red/maroon and grey. This is a colour scheme that is rarely used within magazine, as seen below. This is one way that I challenged the conventions of a colour scheme. I chose the colours because it fit well with the colours that the artist was wearing, and fit with the fonts that I used. But in the magazine Kerrang!, they use quite dark colours as well, as this connotes the metal/rock genre. However, at the same time, their use of bright colours allows it to pop and to not look dreary.
I have used quite dark colours within my magazine colour scheme, such as dark red/maroon and grey. This is a colour scheme that is rarely used within magazine, as seen below. This is one way that I challenged the conventions of a colour scheme. I chose the colours because it fit well with the colours that the artist was wearing, and fit with the fonts that I used. But in the magazine Kerrang!, they use quite dark colours as well, as this connotes the metal/rock genre. However, at the same time, their use of bright colours allows it to pop and to not look dreary.
I have also used the same artist on my front cover, contents and double page spread as he is the main story and should be featured in all of these pages. This is a convention which is used thoroughly throughout magazines, so using this in my media product will make it look professional, which I feel like it has done.
I have also included the stories on the front cover into the contents page to ensure that there was continuity within this.